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Shellheads #043 – Fan Fiction Fest II

Reality Breached Presents Shellheads: A TMNT Podcast

Shellheads is a deep dive into Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in ways you’ve never heard before. From the early comic days to the current Nick show, nothing is off-limits…nothing. Jeff from The Warp Zone Arcade joins Rebre’s Sergio, to binge-watch and power-read their way through a comprehensive library of TMNT fandom.

Episode Summary

Shellheads takes its second annual dive into fan-produced projects. From film to video games, Sergio and Jeff are here to chat about some of the best pieces of fanwork we can find.

Here are the promised links to all the wonderful content we cover in Fast-Fiction Fest II.


TMNT fan film by Patrik Michalu

Fight the Foot by EmThreeBlog

Ninja Turtles Blood Brothers by Scotty Eugene Fields

Back in the Shell by Nerdbot


Turtle Turncoat by Tony Day

Video Games

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shell Shocked by White Dragon