Shellheads #026 – Christmas Wishlists

Reality Breached Presents Shellheads: A TMNT Podcast

Shellheads is a deep dive into Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in ways you’ve never heard before. From the early comic days to the current Nick show, nothing is off-limits…nothing. Jeff from The Warp Zone Arcade joins Rebre’s Sergio, to binge-watch and power-read their way through a comprehensive library of TMNT fandom.

Episode Summary

Merry Christmas TMNT fans!!!!! Here’s a Shellheads Christmas special that’s less a Christmas special and more a call-to-action episode. Jeff and Sergio get vocal on what they want from TMNT’s future. Let me just say things get exciting! Check out the official TMNT wishlist episode of Shellheads…and have a Happy New Year!

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