Shellheads #001 – The Mirage Debut

Reality Breached Presents Shellheads: A TMNT Podcast

Rebre is proud to introduce a brand new podcast to the family, Shellheads: A TMNT Podcast. Coming in January, Shellheads will be a deep dive into Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in ways you’ve never heard before. From the early comic days, to the current Nick show, nothing is off limits…nothing. Jeff from The Warp Zone Arcade joins Rebre’s Sergio, to binge-watch and power-read their way through a comprehensive library of TMNT fandom.

Episode Summary

For episode one, we start where every TMNT podcast should start, with the Turtles original debut in the pages of Eastman and Laird’s Mirage comic. Known as Vol. 1, #1, this is where it all began. Buckle up Turtles fans, The Shellheads Podcast has been unleashed on the world!

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