Reality Breached and The Black Pocket Present Ralph Celestin

Reality Breached and the Black Pocket Podcast present a very special bonus-cast with the Writer/Director of the Award Winning film Boston2Philly, Ralph Celstin.

Episode Cast

Sergio Lugo II, Robert Morris, Justin Ransburg and Ralph Celestin

Episode Summary

Indie film-makers are a special brand of people. The drive it takes to pull off creating a feature length movie out of thin air is hard to even imagine. Ralph Celestin has made it happen and with his release Boston2Philly he proves to not only be a talented writer but also director and actor! We had a blast chatting with Ralph and I think it shows. Check out Boston2Philly, currently on Amazon Prime

Description: (from IMBD) Boston2Philly is a coming-of-age independent drama that chronicles the life of Rome “Boston” Williams (Ralph Celestin), a young Black male from Boston, struggling with his identity and his ability to form real relationships in his new city of Philadelphia after a tragic accident takes the lives of his family. Set on a fictional Philadelphia University campus, Rome encounters Professor Balan (Ed Aristone), who challenges his freshmen class (Philly, G, Sharryn) to develop a deeper relationship with their “inner selves,” along with connecting on a more personal level with their peers. As an incentive, Balan offers the shocking monetary reward of $50,000, pushing his students to explore their own broken, violent pasts and those of their peers in a way they never thought imaginable. Through an exploration of each other’s histories, the group of diverse freshman slowly becomes a cohesive group, initially bonded by the chase of the cash reward, but glued by their shared fears, hopes, and dreams. Both melodramatic and comedic, poignant and enlightening, through the personal journeys of the students, Boston2Philly reminds us all that sometimes the first step to true success comes from understanding who you were, who you are, and where you are going.

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