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Reality Breached 017 – Definitive Games: The Fourth Generation

Reality Breached is an in-depth look at the Video Game industry and its business practices. Our pundits break down parties involved and give their stance on pressing industry trends. It’s time to get deep ya’ll.

Episode Cast

Sergio Lugo, Josh Alcaraz and Reid Walker

Episode Summary

Things have come to a head. Reid loves RPGs, Josh loves Mario World, and Sergio goes rouge willing to cut anything! The 4th generation of video games is upon us and we HAVE TO choose the Reality Breached list of definitive games. Listen as your favorite games get reduced to one-line insults, the Sega Genesis getting crapped on and friendships getting strained to the max. This is truly the most contentious thing Rebre has ever been through.

For clarification on what video game generation is what visit this helpful Wikipedia article.