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Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes Debut Trailer

Is it just me or is it colossally tacky to announce a new game in a franchise before the currently being promoted game is even out yet? Its already happened at least twice this year. First, Resident Evil 6 was announced before Operation Raccoon City was on shelves and then Nintendo unveiled New Super Mario Bros U before New Super Mario Bros 2 was out. Yeah, those last two are on different platforms, but given the typical time between 2D Mario games, its seems odd that 2 will be dropped this year…but I digress.

The newest franchise to suffer this fate is Hideo Kojima’s highly acclaimed Metal Gear series. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance the Raiden starring, silly named, Platinum developed spin-off will hit in February, but that’s not stopping both Konami and Kojima from showing off a trailer for their next game Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes (yet another dumb name). Here’s the trailer.