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Why I Can’t Stomach The Big Bang Theory

It recently became the most watched network comedy on television, and is sure to remain on the air for years to come, but there are some underlying issues with The Big Bang Theory that just don’t sit right with me.  I haven’t watched the series extensively, but everything I’ve seen portrays nerd culture is a negative light.  The main characters are admittedly nerds and geeks.  This is fine, they work at Caltech, so a bit of realism should be included.  My issue with the show is not the characters or the setting but the angle of the jokes.

Rather than nerd-culture being the venue for the jokes, its the punch line.  It doesn’t so much celebrate the nerd culture, as it does openly mock it.  Much like what Will and Grace did to gay culture, The Big Bang Theory points and laughs at the stereotypical characteristics of being a smart dork.  I wouldn’t say I’m a Nerd-culture specialist or even that I fall squarely into the mold of that demographic, but I understand the appeal.  I have nerd tendencies, and probably know more about Star Wars, Comic Books and Video Games, than the average Joe.

Typically its not easy to be what is essentially an outsider.  Social awkwardness and heightened intellect are two things that don’t resonate with the masses and the masses treat it as such.  These traits are also found in “nerds”. Shining a light on these traits only makes public opinion of them worse. 

It’s the equivalent of having an African American show where all the characters constantly eat fried chicken and watermelon.  Sure, that’s an extreme way to look at it, but reinforcing stereotypes that are not representative of the entire culture, and are also potentially tied to painful moments in people’s lives is irresponsible.

Other shows get away with protrarying stereotypes because of their target audience.  Family Guy, South Park, and Chappelle’s Show have all used stereotypes to fuel their humor, but the difference is that both the creators and the audience know its being done ironically.  Its not the stereotypes that are funny its the act of the characters clinging to them that drives the humor.  Peter Griffin reffering to every asain person he sees as Jackie Chan is an example of Peter Griffin being an idiot, not the creators saying its ok to think all asian’s look alike. 

Maybe I’m over thinking it.  Some of the jokes are funny, I guess, in a CBS comedy kind of way.  Admittedly I haven’t watched extensive amounts of the show, and I’m sure my opinion will be heavily derided by fans of the show.  Its not supposed to be a serious show and these characters are obviously liked, or the show wouldn’t be such a huge success.  In the end it may be harmless, but I can’t help but feel uncomfortable when I see it.