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007 Classic Controller Adds 100% More Bling to Game

What surfaced on IGN the other day is actually cooler that you might imagine. The newly announced Golden Wii Classic Controller Pro will be bundled with a special edition version of the new 007 GoldenEye Wii game to be released later this year.

It will be appropriately priced at $70 (for the game and controller) and will be a limited run. The controller doesn’t really remind me of 007 or even GoldenEye, but does remind me of a different notoriously gold Nintendo Franchise, The Legend of Zelda.

I don’t really need a new Classic Controller, but I could really dig playing Virtual Console Zelda games on the much improved Pro model. Having the controller be gold would only add to the pimpage of the whole experience.

Activision’s 007 Goldeneye Wii will launch later this year exclusively on the Wii and from what I hear it plays like Call of Duty.