Ex-Free Radical Working on Crysis 2

For those of you that were worried that Free Radical would disappear after they “shut down” in December of 2008, have no need to fear.  Despite the overwhelmingly bad sales and reception of Haze, the very first concrete news about the team since their purchase by Crytek in early 2009 has surfaced.

Now called (the terribly uninspired) Crytek UK, Free Radical have been confirmed to be working on Crysis 2.  Now wait…isn’t that what Crytek is working on?  Well, both teams are working on it.  The UK team is banging out the multiplayer portion of the title.  This is arguably what the bloaks at Free Radical were really good at, so this move makes a lot of sense.  The last 4 games Free Radical made had, at best, passable single player campaigns and the Time Splitters series is best known multiplayer modes.

Much like 2K did, with Bioshock 2, splitting the development of one game between two different teams may be catching on.  Both the single and multiplayer parts of Bioshock 2 reviewed well and breaking up the game lets the teams focus on perfecting their portion of the experience.  Hopefully the work will payoff.

Crysis 2 will be released later this year for PC, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3, you can also expect it to hit Steam.

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