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Turtles Forever

I know that isn’t the most appropriate haven for TMNT news. In fact this post has very little, if anything, to do with Tech at all. Oh well, I find this terribly interesting and feel we need to report on it.

The Ninja Turtles turned 25 this year and despite retaining the “Teenage” moniker, they have be showing their age as of late. The popularity of the 2003 TV series has faded and it faces eminent cancellation, the action figures have been pulled off of Walmart and Target shelves, the 2007 movie, while profitable, did not make any huge waves at the box office and even the publishing company that owns the turtles (Mirage) is publishing what some fans are referring to as sub-par material.

Even with all of these factors, the 25th anniversary has been a banner year for Turtles related merch and media. Four trade paperbacks, two video games, a bus tour, rereleases of retro action figures and Bluray releases of the movies have kept the heroes in a half shell afloat through 2009.

The most exciting piece of Turtles related media this year is a made for DVD movie (much like what DC and Marvel are doing with their flagship heroes) has been completed called Turtles Forever. Check out this sweet promo poster that co-creator Peter Laird posted to his blog. (Click to enlarge)

It’s an extension of 2003 TV series (easily the best TMNT series to date) that brings many aspects of the franchise together under one roof. With details being sketchy and me not wanting to give away too many spoilers, I will only say that the old-school turtles are back. Forever features both the new and old turtles in somewhat of a crossover.

Dare I say that the turtles are officially part of a…wait for it…multiverse! The Mirage comic book Turtles are also rumored to make at least an appearance and many old school enemies are included as well.

Here’s a list of the confirmed characters:

Multiverse-wide Characters
Raph, Don, Leo, Mike (1987 version, 2003 version, and 1984 Mirage version)
Shredder, April, Splinter (1987 version, 2003 version, and/or 1984 Mirage version)

1987 Series Characters
Bebop & Rocksteady
Foot Soldiers (Robots)

2003 Series Characters
Casey Jones
Police Officers Eastman and Laird
Purple Dragons

Movie Characters
Rahzar Tokka

Its going to be great to see old villains Bebop, Rocksteady, Tokka and Rahzar and maybe, just maybe, this can breathe some life into the franchise to bridge the gap between now and the upcoming major motion picture in 2011 .

Turtles Forever debuted at Comi-con this year, and will air on 4 kids TV later in the year. Currently 4 Kids and Mirage are looking for a distributor for the DVD. I think its safe to say that anyone that has ever liked the TMNT will find something in this film that they remember.